What Our Hosting Includes:
*** Built-in
Affiliate/Distributor mini sites - Now you can host your own
affiliates/distributors in their own personalized mini site with
auto generated links to your store.
- WAHM Special Just $8.00 per
- Free Full Featured eStore, Built-in cart.
- Free Forum/Message Board
- Free Postcards to friends built into the store.
- 300meg of Storage site and
- Unlimited products in the
- Up to 50 email mailboxes

What do you sell?
Jewelry, Candles, Clothing, Books, Videos, Arts & Crafts,
Advertising, Homemade goods?
Whatever you sell chances are WahmShoppes eStore can handle
it. Plus at an affordable price! If you host with us on our
WAHM Special hosting package for just $8.00/mo the eStore is
free. If you don't host your domain name with us but choose to use a virtual setup, the eStore costs just
$8.00/mo. We can host either registered domains or virtual
Don't know HTML? Great!! because there is absolutely no need
for it with our store. We currently have 80 themes from
which you can create your store within minutes. You can have
a complete shake and bake setup. With the built in themes
you can change the design of your store as fast as you
select a new theme. If you don't want the themes, no problem
you can create your own customized look & feel. The choice
is yours, not ours!
WahmShoppes eStore

WahmShoppes Hosting package includes your own hosted eStore for
getting your products quickly and easily onto the net.
- Unlimited Products.
- In-Stock or regular sales support
- Form based product administration.
- Self contained upload utilities for your product images.
- Many option possibilities for each product.
See the feature list below

The store can handle both In-Stock products as well as regular

Four Customization Modes
Beginners to Professional Web Designers.Diverse in it's ability to be customized, the store can be used
by beginners that know little or no HTML programming to
Professional Web designers.
Shake and Bake setup using built in themes.With currently 80 different themes to choose from you can setup
your store within minutes.
Use your Logo and background.Setup your store within minutes using your own Logo, background,
and buttons.
Mode #3 - Some HTML Programming required.
If you need more control over the frame design.Customization is still simple. Store colors, Fonts, all set
within the store admin. Just two small html pages to customize
the stores banner and main introduction frames are all that is
needed. With the exception of these two pages there is no need
to understand web or HTML programming. If you require help or
assistance in creating your top and intro frames we have a list
of resources for graphic and page designers.
Mode #4 - For the Professional Designer
Frameless configuration mode.
Ideal for Professional Web Designers and for those that would
prefer a non framed setup, this option requires a little more
finesse than the framed and shake and baked Themes modes.
Feature Cart Designers: Live Store Directory
Self contained "Upload Utilities"
for uploading your product images. No need to use FTP software
to get your pictures in the proper folder.
Form based product administration
All the information required about your product is done by
simply filling out online forms. and in the case of adding
pictures to your products you simply choose them from a dropdown
box, automatically created from your uploaded pictures. There is
no need to understand web programming to add, edit, or delete
Category driven
Create categories, then add products to the categories. Links on
the Navigation bar are automatically created for you based upon
your categories. Links can be either Plain Text or Button
Create sub categories that your products can be listed under.
This provides for a more diverse way of presenting your products
as well as reducing the number of main categories.
Protected Categories
Create categories that are password protected. this is ideal for
establishing a wholesale as well as a retail segment to your
store. Or add a Members area.
Built-in Gift Registry
Your customers can create and send multiple gift registries. The
registry also works well with the stores Inventory control
Built-in Wish List
Your customers can bookmark products they wish to purchace at a
later date.
Built-in Feedback
The store comes complete with a section for your customers to
leave their feedback.
Built-in Ancillary pages
Contact-us, about-us pages, etc. no need to link to external web
Built-in Links Page
Create and maintain a links page to provide your customers with
addition web sites that they can visit.
Built-in Reciprocal Links Directory
Mode #4 exclusive. A Link Directory allows you to maintain a
reciprocal Directory of external Links.
Show or not show "Sold" products
Simply chose by means of radio buttons whether or not to
continue showing your products in the store after it has been
No annoying empty links
If there are no products listed in a category, or if you have
chosen to not show the item after it is sold out and the
category becomes void of sellable products then the category
link will not show in the navigation frame. Thus eliminating
dead links.
Product Images
Each product can contain two Pictures. The pictures are also
click to enlarge for the customer to see a larger view. In
addition if you would like to show more than two images you can
create a picture page to hold additional images.
Picture Pages
No need to create external product portfolios, or fabric pages.
Within the stores admin is the ability to create picture pages
(Fabrics Pages, Portfolio Pages) these picture pages are
reusable, you can create as many of them as needed. You insert
them into your products by simply choosing the picture pages
name from a drop down list box while creating or editing your
products. There can also be a Picture Page link or button
inserted into the left navigation frame for global fabrics or
even a portfolio. You can even select the option to let the
picture pages automatically create the dropdown boxes in the
product. These picture pages also allow you to put an add on
price on any of the items in it that you wish to charge more
Many option possibilities for each product
- Radio button groups.
- Check box groups complete with the ability to add a dollar value
per option.
- Dropdown list with the ability to control inventory per option,
as well as the ability to add a dollar value per option.
- Dropdown list for description only options.
View Uploaded Pictures
Utility within the stores admin to view all uploaded pictures
Manage Uploaded Pictures
Utility within the store to list and delete unneeded pictures
Self contained shopping cart
The store maintains it's own shopping cart.
Order History
The store maintains a history of all orders, it also allows for
the reversal or deletion of orders.
Customer Listing
The store maintains a listing of your customers for future
information and/or communications.
Return shoppers
Much like shopping at any of the big online stores, return
shoppers can skip the customer information form by creating an
account. Upon returning they simply supply their username and
password and all information is then extracted from the customer
list. Saving time and input errors.
Email Lost
If a customer forgets their password they can have it emailed to
them by simply entering there email address.
Alternate Ship to
The customer can specify an alternate shipping location upon