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  • What is the Internet?
  • What does WWW mean?
  • What is email?
  • What is the difference between the Internet, WWW and email?
  • What does the @ mean in an email address?
  • What is a domain name?

    Q: What is the Internet?
    What is the Internet?

    A: The word 'Internet' is made from the words 'inter-' + 'network'. A network is a collection of fibres or wires connecting various points. The Internet is an international network of millions of computers linked by cable, telephone lines and satellite. It is also sometimes called the 'Net'.

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    Q: What does WWW mean?
    What does WWW mean?

    A: WWW are initials that stand for World Wide Web. A 'web' is a network of fibres or cables connecting different points. (Spiders make webs to catch flies.) The Web is one of the services available on the Internet. It lets you access millions of pages through a system of hyperlinks. Because it is 'world-wide', it was originally called the World Wide Web or WWW.
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    Q: What is email?
    What is email?

    A: Email is short for "electronic mail". It is a service for sending messages and files from one computer to another computer. The computers can be within one company or anywhere in the world. The messages travel almost instantaneously. Email is also sometimes spelt "e-mail".

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    Q: What is the difference between the Internet, WWW and email?
    What is the difference between the Internet, WWW and email?

    A: The Internet is the physical system (computers, wires, connections etc). WWW (the World Wide Web) and email are services that you use when connected to the Internet. There are other services on the Internet, such as FTP (File Transfer Protocol) and News Groups.

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    Q: What does the @ mean in an email address?
    What does the @ mean in an email address?

    A: The symbol @ in English means 'at'. (It is often used for prices: '5 pens @ $1' means '5 pens at a price of $1 each'.) So 'example@WahmShoppes.com' means 'Example at WahmShoppes.com'. The symbol @ is usually called the 'at sign' in English.
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    Q: What is a domain name?
    What is a domain name?

    A: A domain name is a unique name used to identify and locate computers on the Internet. A domain name provides an easy-to-remember Internet address, which computers translate into numeric IP (Internet Protocol) addresses used by the Internet. An IP address like is good for computers but difficult for humans to remember. But humans can easily remember a domain name like WahmShoppes.com in http://www.WahmShoppes.com.

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